Understanding the Risk of Ownership
At The CannaMercial Realty Group, it’s our goal is to obtain the best sales price, lease rate, or situation for the property owner/landlord.
As a property owner, it should be understood that there is an increased demand for Cannabis commercial properties. These demands are suitable for cultivation and manufacturing facilities, testing facilities, warehouses, and retail shops. There is also an increased demand for consumption lounges.
It should be understood that leasing to a marijuana-related business is a large task despite both the trend toward state approval of business operations and the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment. These prevent the DEA from pursuing cannabis operators.
Leasing to a marijuana-related business is not for the risk-averse landlord with the possibility of forfeiture and personal prosecution within our network. Nor is it for our competent and experienced attorneys from the local communities. Additionally, there are more companies with the resources to buy properties, rather than lease them from companies that have caused a spike in both industrial and residential property values.